Korean Ambassadors for Peace Medal

Korean Ambassador for Peace MedalAre there Korean War Veterans (1950-1953) out there? If you served, you may be eligible for the Korean Ambassador Peace Medal. The medal is an expression of appreciation from the Korean government to US service men and women who served in the Korean conflict.

To be eligible, the veterans must have served during the Korean War from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953.

If a veteran was a Navy service member and had served aboard a naval vessel, then he or she is eligible if the naval vessel was assigned into Korean waters during the 1950 to 1953 time frame. You can find this information in the Veteran’s Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, DD 214.

Please note that both men and women are eligible for this medal.

Criteria: To establish eligibility, you need a signed cover letter and a copy of the Veteran’s Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, DD 214. The DD 214 need not be certified or notarized. It is recommended you cut out or delete your social security number if it is on your DD Form 214.

The cover letter needs to be addressed to:

Ms. Patricia West
Korean Consulate
229 Peach Tree Street NE
International Tower
Suite 2100
Atlanta, GA 20303

We thank the North Carolina Veterans of Foreign Wars for sharing this important announcement with our members.