Flag Retirement

Legion Flag BoxOur Post’s flag retirement container was showing a lot of wear and tear.  It is now sporting new vivid colors and signage.  It is placed just outside our entrance walkway and is easy to access.

The mailbox was restored by Jim Mackorell, a long time member of the post and former long-time Boy Scout Troop 39 Scoutmaster.  He has taught a thousand or more local scouts the proper way to retire Jim Mackorellour National Ensign and felt that the container was in need of a face-lift   Jim completely sanded down the unit to remove old paint and rust.  He painstakingly painted the container and built a new permanent base for it.

The Post accepts flags from anyone in need of retiring a flag.  We do it at no cost, but we do encourage donations to support our program.  Collected funds are used to purchase flags for the post and for Memorial Day events.  Want to help?  Learn more