Field Kitchen Help Needed

We urgently need a new crew for the post kitchen. This is a complete crew totally responsible for the operation of the kitchen reporting to the Building and Grounds Committee.
Mess Sergeant duties include care and service of equipment, maintaining inventory of equipment and supplies, replenishment, and safety.
The post kitchen team also plans meals for about 70 people, orders/purchases needed food items, and prepares a balanced meal for his post family.
Other members of the team solicit help from post members to stage the dining hall, setup tables and chairs, setup serving lines, and, on occasion decorate for special occasions.

Sounds overwhelming, but it is not, if you have a group of buddies to help you out.
If you want to learn how to do it and help out, stop the post on meeting day to see what is done and what needs to be done. There are lots of things to do to setup, arrange, bake and cook. Learn what it takes to put on a meal.

We also need a support team just before the meal and afterwards. There are pots and pans needing cleaner-uppers and a cleanup crew. If you hate meetings, maybe this is for you.