District Meeting set for Mebane – Sep 20th

In just three weeks the district post leadership teams will converge on American Legion Post 95 in Mebane for our Fall meeting. We will learn more about Legion programs in the state, how to manage our resources, and how to use the Four Pillars of Service of the American Legion. We’ll also share ideas, concerns, and to train post commanders, adjutants and other interested post members.

Please consider attending the meeting. It is your chance to make a difference not only in the post, but in the district. The more we know and understand about the American Legion, the better we can serve our community.

Consider attending the late fall District 12 meeting on Saturday, Sep 20th, 2014, at Post 95 in Mebane. The meeting starts at 12:00 pm and refreshments are served. We can arrange for car pooling for interested members.

To learn more about the Four Pillars of the American Legion, download the program guide.