Dachau Ashes Burial – Dedication of Monument

At the legion meeting last night “The Dachau Ashes” were discussed.

Durham Ash cakeThe story, briefly, is that a US World War II soldier was given ashes (an ashcake) from the ovens at Dachau in 1945. In a ceremony last year, those ashes were laid to rest at the Hebrew Cemetery in Durham, NC.

Post Commander Heavlin and Post Adjutant Edward Gill were invited to attend the burial of the Dauchau Aches and to fold the American Flag covering the wooden mini-casket.

We have been invited back this month for the dedication of a Sculpture-Monument at the grave.  It is tradition to return on the first anniversary of the interment to place and dedicate a permanent memorial marker. Members of our post and all veterans have been invited to attend.

The News and Observer published a story on the upcoming dedication on April 14, 2015, and it was also published in the Chapel Hill News on April 15th.  You can read it here.  

The dedication is Sunday April 26, 2015 at 3 pm. The Durham Hebrew Cemetery is located across the street from 840 Kent St. Durham, NC. Wear your American Legion blue cap, a coat and tie, and join us at this dedication. Like last year, this will be a very moving and emotional ceremony.  As was told last year, “It is a blessing, as a Jew, to be buried, when so many others could not.”

Edward H. Gill, Adjutant

Learn more:

  1. Gill Continues to Serve Vets in Orange County – News of Orange, May 29, 2014
  2. Dachau Ashes – VFW Chapel Hill Post 9100 (contains links to other stories on the 2014 event)