Chapel Hill Holds Inclusive Playground Public Workshop

cedar-falls-parkThe Town of Chapel Hill announced the start of the planning process to develop and build an Inclusive Playground at Cedar Falls Park, 501 Weaver Dairy Road.  As a good neighbor, lets share this information with not only our families, but with our neighbors, too.  Why not attend and participate?

An Inclusive Playground is one that is welcoming, challenging, and fun for everyone. All of the Town’s newer playgrounds meet the minimum requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, however, this project is intended to far exceed minimum requirements in every aspect of design and construction. If successful, any child will have the ability to have fun without feeling excluded or limited by physical or developmental issues. More information is available. CLICK HERE

The planning process will start with a public workshop at the Chapel Hill Public Library. The meeting will be held in Room A from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 28, 2016. The public may drop in at any time during the workshop. Anyone interested in park and playground issues are encouraged to attend and to share their thoughts and knowledge. Children are welcome and encouraged to participate. Accessible parking can be found near the front door of the library along the driveway circle.

In addition to the public workshop, an online survey is collecting input about playground issues in Chapel Hill. Access the survey at The survey will be open until midnight, Monday, October 3, 2016.

The town is happy to receive your comments via email. If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments please contact Bill Webster, Planning and Development Manager for the Town of Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Department, at [email protected] or 919-968-2819.

If you would like to be included on an email list for project updates, contact Bill Webster at [email protected].  Legionairres are encouraged to share this information with friends, neighbors, homeowners associations, or other lists. Chapel Hill’s goal is to make this a truly exceptional facility.