Blue Cap Pins
You have seen the pins on our member blue caps. Do you know that you can add a commemorative or service pin to your cap? Officers often wear a pin or bar to show their office held.
You can also gain an American Legion recognition pin for membership, Legion College attendance, or special service.
You can get your pin by stepping up and doing something to benefit the post and the American Legion.
It was in response to Legion special programs to win awards that enabled the post to recruit THIRTY new members in 2009-2010!
Here is an opportunity for you to get recognized by the National Commander. Just recruit three new members and you will be recognized and will have a National Award for your blue cap. Learn more and keep track of your new members by visiting this state website for the current form. Learn more
Membership forms are available from the post adjutant or by visiting the Veterans Service Center kiosk.
Need one today, download it from our post website.