Antiques Fair Returns – Mar 28-29

outside postThe American Legion is hosting a Second Annual Antiques Fair at the Legion Post Home this weekend on Saturday and Sunday, March 28-29. Event hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday from 9 a.m to 4 p.m. and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday.

Parking is free, but adults are encouraged and asked to donate $5 to the American Legion Post.  The Post is located at 1714 Legion Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27517.

Post members and their family are invited to a special pre-showing of the Antiques Fair on Friday in the afternoon.  Members and Ladies Auxiliary are also urged to contact Pete Jaeger to volunteer their services to prepare for and run the event.  Call Pete at: 919-929-1416

Inside PostThe antiques fair is not only a post fundraiser, it is a community awareness project to increase the visibility of American Legionnaires, their post, and veterans of Chapel Hill. Veterans will open their Veterans Service Center to provide information on Legion programs and services available to veterans through the VA and Orange County Veterans Service Office, Hillsborough.

Antique dealers from near and far will present a wide variety of period as well as primitive furniture.  Objects of glass, jewelry, linens, signs, bottles, household items, tools, and furniture will be there.  “This is not a yard sale or flea market,” said Pete Jaeger, Post 1st Vice Commander. “Every item on display will be original pre-1964.  No reproductions.”

The project was started by Legionnaire Pete Jaeger. “I do not know where to begin, except that this venture was born out of my (and my wife’s) personal interest in collecting antiques and my association with the American Legion.  I know that we need to raise funds to be able to continue the goodwill toward our veterans and the other community services we support.  I was amazed at the number of community functions that American Legion veterans are involved; the hospital, the Boy Scouts, area schools, community events, memorial services, and Memorial Day Weekend at the Legion.”

The American Legion Chapel Hill post was established in 1919.  We are nearing our 100th Birthday.  We are blessed with having a wonderful property–all 35+ acres of it.  Our current post site is  about 58 years old.  We were originally “Up On” Rosemary Street in a log cabin in the center of Chapel Hill.

We are looking for more like-minded veterans who want to help other veterans and the American Legion  make a difference in Chapel Hill.

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