And so it begins…

We do not know about you, but the Post 6 Officers are getting excited.  Our permits are in hand for most of our building project and more are about to be released. 

Our access road has been trimmed and leveled a bit to allow easier access.  Bulldozers and graders are staged.  We have also seen crews busily erecting the bright orange barriers to protect certain areas.

Construction will begin soon and we expect to have our new home up and occupied before our 100th Birthday Celebration in 2019.

Our site is a hard hat and special gear zone from now until completion.  You should not attempt to enter the work area or disturb the working crews.  Bruce Runberg and his team are our voice.  Other voices are not welcome and are discouraged.

We understand that you might like to visit and we will have opportunities–like we have already sponsored preconstruction–for you to tour.  We ask you to watch our website news blog for information on events.  As always, we provide updates at post meetings and at the Executive Committee meetings (first Thursday of the month at 6 p.m) which are open to all members.

Want to volunteer to serve on a committee?  Just let Bruce Runberg, Nick Cervantes or Robert Medred know.  New members and observers are always welcome.