American Legionnaires Are Leaders

Without our American Legion Blue Caps, we look just like the average Joe or Jane.  We are just like you, but we are veterans, too.

We were led and we led.  We served in Jersey, Vietnam, Korea, San Franciso, South America, the South China Sea, in “the Sandbox,” and in Granada.  We have served everywhere.

I guess our experiences, both good and bad, have taught us to see things in a different light.  We have seen the worse of humanity and we have seen sacrifice, dedication, and selflessness, too.  Maybe that is why we continue our service to our country and community.  It’s the right thing to do.

Across town on Homestead Road is an example of what our members do.  It’s still “rough-sawn,” but little by little, phase-by-phase, and with your dimes and dollars it is taking shape.  I am talking about the Orange County Veterans Memorial above Seymour Center. 

The Memorial started as an idea of many veterans–maybe even a dream–that took shape across the breakfast table at Breadman’s, at the Chapel Hill Library conference room, and at the Orange County Visitor’s Center.  Lots of hours have come and gone, but with each passing hour, one more piece of the project was and is completed.

We salute the Post 6 Legionnaires and their counterparts at Orange County and in our community.  They are all making this Memorial a reality.

You, too, can help.  Learn more about what our Blue Caps are doing to build your Orange County Veterans Memorial.  Read Orange Slices.