A Celebration of Marathon Jam in Photos

Marathon Jam 2015The Marathon Jam is now in the record books as their 11th year and 7th year at the American Legion Chapel Hill Marathon Jam.  We are very proud to have been able to provide them with space, advertising, support, and lots of music fans.  The Marathon Jam has raised a lot of money and awareness for the Ft. Bragg Fisher House and the many other Fisher Houses across the nation.

A special shoutout to Susan Murray, WCHL, and Chapelboro.com for their outstanding coverage of veterans and the American Legion.   Their support helped fill the seats with admiring fans from as far away as Vermont, Maryland, the eastern seaboard, Fayetteville, and points north and west.

WCHL staff news photographer, Susan Murray, sat dead center of the musicians play area and whirled around and around to capture their faces, instruments, and tears.  She heard their stories, witnessed times of great emotion, and moments of pride.  If you missed it all, shame on you.  But, you can still share in the Marathon Jam and sense the emotion and music by visiting Chapelboro.com and viewing the many photographs on line.  View photos at: http://chapelboro.com/photos/marathon-jam/

Mark your calendars for next year’s Marathon Jam.  It is always scheduled for the last Saturday in February.  Come on by and sit a spell with your neighbors and listen to bluegrass and back porch music.

Learn more about the Marathon Jam

Listen to WCHL radio’s interview of John Santa by local commentator Ron Stutts:

Lee Heavlin