Women Veterans Historial Project on Display Memorial Day
We are very fortunate to have Beth Ann Koelsch, curator of the Betty H. Carter Women Veterans Historical Project, return to Chapel Hill to participate in our Memorial Day remembrance.
The Ms. Koelsch will share information about historical memorabilia of women in the military. Women veterans are encouraged to stop by and learn more about this project.
The Betty H. Carter Women Veterans Historical Project (WVHP) at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro was established in 1998. The WVHP collects and preserves, and makes accessible, oral histories and unique and rare historical materials that document the female experience in the United States military and American Red Cross. Currently, the WVHP holds almost 550 individual women veteran’s collections. Many of the materials have been digitized and can be found at: http://library.uncg.edu/dp/wv/
The Women Veterans Historical Project is a research archives, not a museum (which means they don’t have materials out on display), but anyone can visit the library and look through the collections in their researcher room.
The WVHP actively collects oral histories with women veterans as well as materials related to a veteran’s time in service. Women veterans or family members are welcome to inquire about project content and contributing personal items to the historical project. Contact Beth Ann Koelsch, curator of the Betty H. Carter Women Veterans Historical Project, with any questions at 336-334-5838 or email her at [email protected]