You’ve Earned Them, Wear Them with Pride

Yes, veterans can wear their medals on Memorial Day, along with other military events and gatherings. Since 911, many veterans started wearing their medals on holidays. Medals are earned through service in uniform, heroism, and outstanding service. You can and should be proud of what you have done for your military service and Country.
We have many important events here at the Post. You can also obtain a miniature medal pin for your Legion Blue Cap or other veterans’ service cap. By proudly wearing your miniature medal(s) on your blue cap, you encourage others to do the same. Did you realize that when you are wearing a military medal pin you are being seen and you remind others of their service or the service of a family member? You are restoring memories and pride in yourself and family.

- Place the medals in the same location and manner as on the uniform
- Make sure the medals are worn to look similar to medals worn on the uniform
- is a reliable source for replacement and miniature medals. Link
- For tiny medals for wear on veterans’ suit jackets and Legionnaire caps, you can also visit see Medals of America.