State Commander James Moore Visited Post 6
A one hundred-year-old American Legionnaire arrived at Chapel Hill Post No. 6 to an official “Piping Aboard” of a dignitary. The post members stood at Attention throughout the Post Home as the Post’s Ship’s Bell rang and the honorary Bosun’s mate announced, “Elmer Hughes, Arriving!”
That alone would make your day, but, “No, Wait!” It got even better as who was there to great him? North Carolina Department Commander James Moore. … and there was a scrumptious cake, too.

Commander Moore visited Chapel Hill Post 6 for the very first time to see what all the chatter was about–our new home, that is–and his timing could not have been more timely.
The COVID rules have loosened a wee bit. We do hope you will come on by and check us out. Our membership is rapidly growing, but we have space for a few good men and women veterans. We’re your new home away from home for camaraderie and building a “new” Post to serve today’s soldiers, sailors, and airman. If you have served just one day of active Federal service, this means you!