Oratorical Contest Held in Chapel Hill

We were pleased to host the  District 12 Oratorical Contest at our post.  We were supported by many members, our Ladies Auxiliary and by members of Mebane Post 95 and Durham Post 7.

Ms.Oratorical Contest CH (2) - Copy Liduviana Veintimilla won district honors and will now go on to Division III competition in Apex with a chance to continue on to the North Carolina Department finals.  Ms Veintimilla was sponsored by John Gault, Durham Post 7.

The Division III contest is at the Apex Town Hall and will be held on Valentine’s Day, Feb 14, 2015, at 2:00 pm.

A special “thank you” goes out to members Paul Horwhat, Bill Munsee, and Tom Chegash, along with Lisa Heavlin, President, Ladies Auxiliary, for supporting this event.

Also supporting the event were Durham Post 7 and Mebane Post 95.  The three posts provided judges, tabulators, escorts, and timekeepers.  Without their help, this event would not have been held.