Eagle Scout Court of Honor – Jan 8th

Harrison Czajkowski
Harrison Czajkowski

Post members are invited to observe Troop 505 Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Harrison Czajkowski.

Since Troop 505 was chartered by the Chapel Hill Post, the Troop has celebrated the completion of nine eagle scout projects.  This is in just a few years and is a remarkable achievement for a Chapel Hill Troop.  Scoutmaster Robert Shaw West is very proud of his scouts and has expressed his belief that this achievement was made possible by the support of our post.

Scout Czajkowski’s Eagle Project was to plan, design, build and install picnic tables for post members, area veterans,  and guests.

The Court of Honor is a very impressive ceremony and is sure to be a memorable experience for Harrison and post members.  Why not join the scouts as they honor a fellow scout.

The event is at the Post, Wednesday, January 8th, 2014, at 7 p.m.