Veterans Forum at Senior Center – Jan 27

In partnership with Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 9100, the Robert and Pearl Seymour Center, Chapel Hill,  invites all veterans to come out and a guest speaker’s story, share yours, and learn of the various services and resources available to you as a veteran. This month’s event is on Monday, January 27, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Although there will be set speakers, it would be expected that others join in and share as well. One of the most important things about this program is that information and updates for veterans are shared in the last 15  to 20 minutes of the session  For example,  did you know that veterans can get their computers worked on for free?

This is the beginning of a new program focusing on area veterans and veterans services.  There will be new speakers for each meeting.

If you would like to be a speaker for future meetings, contact Cydnee Sims, Robert and Pearl Seymour Center Operations Manager, at (919) 245-4250. Refreshments provided.

Facilitators for the inaugural event are:  Post Commander Lee Heavlin and Peter O’Grady, Chaplain, American Legion Post 6, Chapel Hill.

Directions:  2551 Homestead Road, Chapel Hill, North Carolina  27516

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