Chapel Hill Responds to Antiques Fair

To say that our Second Annual Antiques Fair was a success is an understatement.  Saturday was blustery and cold.  The air had a bit of rain, but it turned out to be a very busy day at our fair.  There were twenty vendors inside and two under tents outside.

Time-Out Chicken BiscuitLocal icon Time-Out Restaurant joined us with their food truck, too.  Eddie Williams’ Time-Out has been one of “the” places to go after a game, a late night party, or destination location for fried chicken seekers for many years.  Their two-hands-needed-with-a-big-napkin fried chicken breast and cheese biscuit was “the” deal of the day.  It is something to savor and you can get it downtown on Franklin Street or “down the road a piece and around the corner on Ephesus Church Road.  Time-Out has even been featured by the Travel Channel as one of Adam Richmans Best Sandwiches in America.

Watch Adam Richmans video on the Time-Out Chick and Cheddar Biscuit

One vendor commented that there seemed to be a wave of new people arriving about every hour.  They saw our signs around town, heard about us on the radio and internet, or just stumbled upon our Legion Road sign with lots of flags leading toward and down to the post.

Where you there?  Did you have fun?  Did you bring family, a friend, or your grandchildren?  There was much to see and lots  to touch.  Some said that they could “smell” the air of grandma’s house.  Some, including me, found some earlier or same versions of kitchen goodies that we still use today.

Nearly 500 people went through the gateway just on Saturday.  We did not charge for parking or even an entrance fee.  Everyone was welcome to come to the fair, have fun and take a look at our post.  We did ask, however, suggest a donation for post to help us with post events and future programs like Memorial Day.  Did everyone donate?  No.  But, we didn’t mind at all.  We just let them go in.  That’s the neighborly thing to do.

This writer can go on and on about what went on this past weekend, but I’ll let our local and area newspapers fill you in.  Take a look at:

Watch for more news and information on the American Legion Chapel Hill Antiques Fair.  It will be posted on the Antiques Fair page.