Sharing One’s Skills in the Kitchen
You have heard it before. “It takes a Village…” And, I will have to agree that with any group, it takes lots and lots of people to make it work. Be it a door opener, a greeter, an typist, a painter, carpenter, a fixer-upper, handyman, salesman, administrator, lawyer, or just a fun person, it takes us all to get the job done.
Your post commander has been pulling double duty on more than one job. Most recently it has been cooking the post meals. He calls it, “Waiting for reinforcements.” Members might have been saying, “When is Frank coming back?”
Good News. Frank is on his way back from Florida and will resume the position of post cook. I haven’t asked him what he plans to make, but it is sure to be some good old fashioned stick-to-the-ribs chow.
I want to thank all members who have come in early on meeting days to set up the meeting and dining areas, share in clean-up duties, prepare salads, bring in desserts, and otherwise lend a hand to make our meals and meetings a success.
With the assistance of Mike Pacilio as associate chef, we have prepared some great meals over the winter and one more is coming for April.
For April we will be serving Baked Glazed Ham, fried cabbage, whipped potatoes, and carrots. We will also have salad, rolls, and dessert (courtesy of the Ladies Auxiliary). The hams are already here and should be a nice centerpiece to a delightful meal.
Frank will need your help in the kitchen, too. Remember that he has been an American Legionnaire for over 65 years. Do the math. He is over 90! Think you can help in and around the kitchen? Let the post commander know. Not sure? Then just stop by at about noon on meeting days and we’ll give you an apron. It’s that easy. And, if you just hate meetings, but enjoy the food, here’s an idea. Just head to the kitchen after you dine. There are lots of jobs to do to restore the kitchen for the next event. Pots and Pans galore!
How about the post commander? What will he do now with all this extra time on his hands? Did you know that he is the head chef at home (“Mom’s Diner”) and prepares delightful meals, but on a more modest scale for family and friends. Click here to see some of his creations.
Lee Heavlin