New Flag Flies at University Mall

On Flag Day, June 2011, local veterans dedicated a new flagpole for University Mall. The original flag was showing signs wear and Ken Jackson, owner of Wentworth & Sloan Jewelers, talked to Delos O’Daniel of the American Legion. As always, Delos said, “Don’t worry about it. I can handle it,” and so he did. Delos located a new flag for Ken Jackson and assisted with its raising on Wednesday, August 8th. Flag color guard members were Bud Hampton, Delos O’Daniel, and Ed Gill.
American Legionnaires of Post 6 were joined by Veterans of Foreign Wars C. V. Cummings Chapel Hill Post 9100 members, family and friends to honor the original flag with a retirement ceremony and blessing of the new flag by Peter O’Grady, Post 6 Chaplain.
Mr. Jackson was the driving force with the installation of the new flagpole in 2011. He and several other University Mall merchants are proud of the service of Chapel Hill Veterans, what they have done while in uniform, and what they have done and continue to do to serve Chapel Hill.
Participants gathered at 8:30 a.m. at the flagpole area near K&W Cafeteria to socialize and prepare for the ceremony.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, Post Commander Lee Heavlin said, “This flag is flown wherever our nation’s men and women serve in defense of our country. It is a constant reminder of their sacrifice and that they are in harm’s way today. When we look at our flag, remember those soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen and women who are serving overseas. They protect it, it protects us.”
Ken Jackson thanked all who attended and invited the veterans and spouses to join him at Chick-fil-A for morning coffee.
Related stories: Chapel Hill Weekly Twitter and University Mall Facebook
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