Carolina Veterans Organization

Returning veterans have attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for many years.  Some came back because they participated in the Navy’s V-12 Preflight Training Program in Chapel Hill and fell in love with our town.

CVO Cooks for homelessToday they are coming to our town to attend the University of North Carolina under a newer GI Bill.  Over 400 current conflict veterans are studying on the Chapel Hill Campus. Many are joining together as student veterans to serve the community as members of the Carolina Veterans Organization (CVO).

Our post is proud to have some of these outstanding students and veterans as members of Chapel Hill Post No. 6.  They have Food Drivesupported many local projects, programs, and events to help not only veterans, but the community as a while.  Examples are:

  • Feeding the Homeless.  They obtain food, prepare it and then serve the homeless that are fed at the Durham Rescue Mission.
  • RUCK.  They have held a RUCK to gather food for the needy, which may include veterans.  Members travel with their backpacks and gather donated food along their path.  It may sound simple, but this year over 14 tons of food was collected by working with businesses and grocers.
  • Pets for Vets
  • Coffee with veterans at local spots like Bojangles.
  • Freedom Forum Panel discussions
  • and much more

We salute the Carolina Veterans Organization Members and look forward to providing assistance and space for their events.

For more information on the CVO, contact Vice Commander Shane Hale.

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