Travis Manion Foundation Gold Star Families Fundraiser

Gold Star Families received a real boost this month with the hosting of the 1st Annual Travis Manion Foundation Gold Star Charity Auction. The event was supported by post member Charles Weinberg and proposed by local Air Force ROTC Cadets.  The Post Executive Committee receives many suggestions for use of the post facilities, and many get proposed, but few are executed with the professionalism that was evident from beginning suggestion to an “executed mission plan.”  Our aviators fully understand the importance of  the “six steps of a mission plan.”  It is too late to start planning for the unforeseen when your wheels are up and there is no tarmac beneath your wings! For our non-aviation post members, click here.

In this writer’s opinion, this is the event of the year to beat. It was well planned, proposed with clarity and factual assumptions, presented to our discerning PEC, sponsored and supported by a post member, and executed with precision. As a former Administrative Officer of the local Navy ROTC at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (many years ago), and a past Post 6 Commander, I do not share praise loosely. I was most impressed and beamed with pride as I observed  the Arnold Air Society Region 3 members of the UNC and Duke Air Force ROTC Cadets “make it happen.”  It was a WOW!!  And, this was a first annual event of the cadets.  If you missed it, well….

Here is the event project debrief from the Project Director, Cadet Sunita M. Agarwala.

“I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for your participation in the 1st Annual Travis Manion Foundation Gold Star Charity Auction, co-hosted by Arnold Air Society Region 3 and American Legion Post 6. Our event last Saturday evening [10 Feb 2024] exceeded all expectations and was a resounding success! Together, we raised $7,450 for the Travis Manion Foundation, with $3,765 from our live auction, $1,785 from our silent auction and raffle, and the remaining from our generous online donors.” …

For those who joined us at the live auction event, you can access pictures captured by our talented photographer, Jon Williams, here. Once again, I’d also like to recognize our outstanding auctioneer, Mr. Brian Calabria who can be contacted via either phone or email at 919-247-2650  and [email protected].

 Your contributions will go a long way in making a meaningful impact on the lives of Gold Star Family members and the communities the Travis Manion Foundation serves. If you are interested in working with the Travis Manion Foundation in the future, you can learn more about the mission on their website.

Chapel Hill, NC, 25 Feb 2024 – Lee Heavlin