“Top” Jackson Passes

Norman Top Jackson.pngIt is with deep, personal regret that we advise that Norman “Top” Jackson passed away today. His family shared this information with us.

Norman is a Past Post Commander of Chapel Hill Post 6 and was active with the Post Executive Committee as a member and trusted advisor to post commanders and post officers. Norman was a 69-year continuous member of the American Legion.

There is a great picture of Top Jackson on the Chapel Hill Magazine website. It was taken at a Post Memorial Day event and he was captured with family enjoying the Village Band and a very lovely day.  Visit: http://www.chapelhillmagazine.com/people-and-places/remembering-the-fallen/

In lieu of a wake and funeral service, the family will hold a Celebration of Life event at the family home. The date for this is to be announced soon.

Please keep the family in your prayers during this difficult time.