Post Newsletter Returns
There is something about printed paper. It looks and feels good. A crisp page from a colorful magazine sells issues by the millions. Unfortunately, we can’t do that, but we are making a concerted effort to bring you a post newsletter that is interesting, informative, a source of information.
Our first edition is now on line and you can download a copy from this page. Just click on the link at the end of the page or click on the newsletter image.
Issue No. 1 reflects activities over the summer. Issue No. 2 is already in the making and should be out by end-October. It will cover upcoming events and announce Post 6 Christmas holiday activities. We will publish once every two months.
Post Adjutant Lee Heavlin is the newsletter writer and editor.
This newsletter may repeat some of the stories on the website. We’ll try to freshen them up and update them as we create the newsletter. We will mail a newsletter to all members without email. Everyone else can download a copy.
Our newsletter does not just serve us. It tells our community what we do and how we do it. We are hopeful that curious veterans and especially UNC-Chapel Hill student veterans take a look at our newsletter and become interested in our post.
Have an shareable American Legion, Auxiliary, or veteran related story to share? How about a novel story about a family member-veteran for his or her birthday or anniversary. We are an extended family and we love to share.
So, why not provide your stories to the Post Adjutant. Include a digital photo and maybe it will be included.