Post History Starts With You

How much do you know about Chapel Hill history and the United States Uniformed Services?  The Post Historian enjoys listening to Post members sharing stories about their service, our post history, and other current topics.  But how much do we really know about our local history or where to find more factual information?

We are working on cataloging post history… there is more available than you might realize.  Your Post Historian is tasked with maintaining historical Post files, records, and historical information.  He reports that we have a bound volume of original post minutes and historical items from 1919 to 1955.  Things get sketchy from there on and are in loose files of varying quality to include Adjutant’s notes and minutes, member-provided photos, post newsletters, and some committee records.  We also have digital records going back about 12 years.

Did you know that this website is a treasure trove of historical news of Post events and people.  Just visit the NEWS SECTION and scan through old stories by year.  We also have access to North Carolina State Archives and the Veterans Collection.  The University of North Carolina also has extensive historical information posted online that includes Army and Navy training battalions going back as far as World War I.  Our S.A.T.C. cadets trained then on the campus park area that once held Silent Sam.  The cadets were housed in “barracks” numbering one to seven and that now serve as historical university buildings. The training battalions even created trenches for training exercises. There is even information on Naval Air training in 1919!  You can view the university yearbook, Yakety Yak, for 1919 by following this link:

Other frequently asked about items on the Post Website include:

  • HELP – Manuals, rules, hot interest items, “how to” background sheets, officer manuals, funeral help, and much more.
  • STORE – Order memorial pavers or get help with uniform items.
  • AL AUXILIARY – Our local post Auxiliary and how to join or contact them.
  • OUR HEROES – Post members who made a difference in the community and at our Post.  Read their stories, they were or are the legacy builders of our Post.
  • MEMBERSHIP – Eligibility for membership, applications, rules, and dues.  Build your post.  You may be enlisting a future Post or Legion Leader.
  • ABOUT – Post Constitution and Bylaws, who we are, our officers, how to contact the Post, and more.  Everything you ask about is often right here.
  • OUR LEGACY CONTINUES – Post 6 video on our four year journey to our new home.  OUR STORY, YOUR STORY  

Your Post Website is a living, dynamic historical library.  News is frequently added to the NEWS PAGE as a “post”.  Visit it often.  Bookmark it or add a link to your desktop.  There is no  need to wait until the adjust releases new note.  Be informed so that you, too, can be a Post Ambassador during pre-Post meetings and dinners or Post events. Help us share our Post’s history, legacy, and future plans.

Are you interested in history, writing, storytelling, or public speaking?  If you are, why not contact the Post Historian, Lee Heavlin, and volunteer.  He is now building a new list of members to represent the Post and the American Legion at local events, grand openings, patriotic events to include Balls and dinners, and so much more.  We get lots of requests for someone to be a guest of honor or speaker at the many schools, universities, towns, businesses, and veterans groups.  Recent speakers at WCHL and other sites include John Saitta, Nate Mitchell, Bruce Runberg, “Sarge” Sweeney, Ed Gill, Lee Heavlin, Robert Medred, and others.

No, you do not need to be an post officer or  a  senior member of the Post.  Requests come in usually  looking for American Legionnaires of current and prior conflicts with human interest stories, flag history, holiday background stories and more.  We have available to you prepared speeches, but most groups want to hear you speak from the heart.  The Historian can help you build your own “tailored” presentation of your service and help you learn more about topics in demand. When you are ready, we will add your to our Speakers’ BureauSend him an email to learn more.