Post Elections Are Upon Us

Our Nominations Committee reports out on Thursday, April 6th, at the PEC meeting. That report will include a list of candidates for Post Year 2023-2024. This list is not the post ballot. We will call for additional candidates from the floor during our April 11th meeting.  Are you interested?  You can be nominated “from the floor” only at our April 11th meeting and you must be present to accept the nomination and office, should you win the election for a officer position.  Watch for information from the Adjutant.  

This is the page where we will post links to existing election information.

Election Day – May 9, 2023  5:30 pm to 7 pm
Election day is also the also the Post’s Annual Member Meeting. It is a special night that includes a meal. The only business normally conducted is the election.


Election Procedure
The Election Committee (Nominating Committee members) and Sergeants-at-Arms will prepare a voting area (Post Executive Conference Room) for voting. The area outside the voting area will have a table with two officials at the entrance. They will have a current Post 6 Membership Roster provided by National reporting all 2023 paid members and Paid Up For Life Members. The procedure:
1. Elections begin at 5:30 p.m. and close at 7 p.m. One member, one ballot. A member must be present to vote.
2. Members present their American Legion 2023 Membership Card or other form of identification. A physical membership card is not required. If a member lost, forgot, or has not yet received their card, they may still vote. The American Legion National Membership Roster for Post 6 is the only official verification of member paid status for the American Legion, Post No. 6, Chapel Hill. The Committee is checking not only paid status, but membership at Post No. 6.
3. The Committee compares the members’ information to the National Roster.
a. If the member is current, the roster is marked to show member is present. They then move to the second committee member.
b. Member signs voting roster at position two. Committee staff provide member with a validated ballot. Ballots have no member identification.
c. Members move to the voting room and complete their ballot by selecting one person for each position. For Sergeants-at-Arms, select up to five nominees.
d. When the ballot is complete, place it in the ballot box and proceed to the Post Lounge or dining area.
4. Election closes at 7 p.m. All blank ballots and rosters are removed from the table. A count of members given ballots is made and recorded.
5. Election Committee retires to the conference room and counts all ballots, verifies the vote count, and creates a report. Promptness and care are essential.
a. All completed ballots are placed in a large brown envelope and sealed. Ballot Counters sign over the sealed edge.
b. Placing the final ballot count report with the selectees listed in a separate envelope, present it to the Election Committee Chair. All team members are cautioned not to disclose or imply knowledge of ballot results.
6. Election Report. The Election Committee withholds the election results until the beginning of the post meeting. The Chairman presents the Election Report and sealed ballots to the Post Adjutant. It is usually the first order of business after opening ceremonials.