Post Facilities

We have the great fortune of inheriting the legacy of World War I, World War II, and Korean War veterans and their families. Their hard work, money, volunteerism, and love for the American Legion resulted in the purchase, building and use of a premiere facility. It is the largest post within the state and sits on a little over 30 acres.

Our post started in downtown Chapel Hill in a small site. The members located our current site on the then outskirts of Chapel Hill. Land was not priced out of range, it was readily available, and gave the members a lot of room for post activities. We were so new that the road leading to our site was named American Legion Road.

The original building was added on to, creating a huge facility with both a large and small meeting room. A ball field was also built and served as the site for many American Legion Baseball team events.

Our acreage needs some sprucing up and restoration work. We are working hard to rebuild so that we can continue their legacy. We look forward to changing the introductory paragraph to include the continuation of the legacy and the addition of the Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan and other current veterans to the list. Are you ready to add your name to this legacy?