Membership News – June 2022
The Membership Committee will hold its next quarterly Membership Committee meeting at 5 PM on on 7 Jul 22. This is prior to monthly PEC meeting. If you are interested in assisting or being part of the Membership Committee, contact 1st Vice Commander John Saitta. Remember, all post meetings are open to the general membership. You can not vote on an motion, but you can see what the committee does, how they do it, and how you might help them.
The Sons of the American Legion (SAL) has elected Squadron 006 Officers for the new post year (2022-2023). They are:
- Cmdr, Saitta;
- 1st VC Kenny Grabarczyck
- 2nd VC, Mike Hatcher
- Adjutant, VACANT
- Finance Officer, Wade Gutreuter
- Chaplain, VACANT
- Historian, VACANT
- Sgts-at-Arms are Ed Gill and Cayden Washburn
– Next SAL meeting is this Thurs, 16 June @ 6 PM; new officers will be installed