Called on Account of Rain

Twenty-two people gathered in Snow Camp tonight to enjoy dinner together and then watch Pathway to Freedom.  The food was great, but the weather would not cooperate.

The clouds darkened and we thought we just might have a chance.  The performers started the pre-performance show and then it started to get dark.  They continued performing as droplets started to fall and as some, including this writer, headed to the shelter.  Take a look at the photos and you will see Ed and Karen Gill waiting it out under an umbrella, but they finally headed to drier ground.

We waited about a half hour for the storm to pass and it did.  Unfortunately, the forecast called for another storm to arrive.  That was the last straw and the event was cancelled.  We seemed to have a lot of fun laughing at each other and remarking how the shelter roof leaked.  We even found a few natural streams flowing through our sheltered area.  Memories were created.  Stories of the Storm at Snow Camp will surely permeate our discussions at the August post meeting.

Members came from as far away as north Durham County and Pittsboro.  That’s a lot of driving.  Some arrived early and a few arrived a little late, but there was plenty of food on a well stocked buffet.  The best part of dining was the opportunity to talk and learn more about each other.  There was no meeting, no agenda, no requests, and no time constraints.  It was just a good time together where we learned a lot about each other.

We will reschedule a return trip before the season is over.  All ticket holders can used their stubs for a rain check at a later performance.  If you missed the night, you might be able to join in.  There are plenty of tickets available for each show at the gate.

A special thank you goes to Mark Sumner and Ed Gill for working out the details and getting the tickets, and to Robert Medred for serving as our post chauffeur and providing door to door service.

This is our first outing as a group.  We really appreciate the support of the members and encourage all to join in at upcoming field trips and post socials.  We are steadily rebuilding our post by getting more active.  Are you ready to join in the fun?

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