Branding the Legion

The American Legion has started a new program to re-energize the American Legion brand.  You will see a story on this in the February 2013 edition of The American Legion.   It proudly proclaims, “No one does as much for active-duty military, veterans, military retirees and their families as does the Legion.”  Our member veterans are doing a lot in our local communities, yet many still do not associate their efforts with the American Legion.

Big Red OneEvery division, brigade, air group, and team in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force has an emblem, logo, or badge.  It’s their brand.  When an army veteran sees a big red one, they know what it means–The First Infantry Division (US).  The vet knows the history of the badge and the conflicts that carried the badge going back to World War I.

americanlegion_logo-3.jpgHow about us, the American Legion?  How often do you see the American Legion emblem on jackets, caps, cars, and more?

Boy Scout Troop 505 proudly displays huge American Legion emblem decals on their troop’s trailer.  They are very proud and honored to be a part of heritage of their American Legion charter  sponsors.

Legion CapsLet’s show our pride in the American Legion and Post 6!  Wear your cap to community service events, funerals, and around the post.  Need a cap?  Just contact the post adjutant.  Your cap is your Legion uniform.

You are also encouraged to wear your American Legion lapel button on any shirt collar or jacket  lapel.  It is sharp looking and identifies you as a part of a 2.4 million-member war veterans organization.

You can also order American Legion from items from our own Emblem and Supply On-line store.  Our post is also exploring local shirts and jackets that will carry our post name and location.  Watch for more details and samples.