Veterans Honored at NC Memorial Hospital

veterans-day-quotes-289x300The University of North Carolina is sponsoring an event to honor Veterans on Campus at the Memorial Hospital lobby on November 10th at 2 PM.

This is the fourth year that the American Legion has provided a speaker for this very important event.  All hospital employees and veteran employees are honored.  A special event cake is provided with light refreshments at the conclusion of ceremony.

William Munsee, Post Commander, will be giving a short presentation as part of the event.  All members of the post and especially post officers should attend.  Post Commander Munsee needs our support as he speaks about the American Legion and Veterans Day.

Parking is available at the hospital parking deck.  Car pooling is recommended. Special parking coupons may be available at the event.  See the post adjutant at the event.

Post Commander Munsee stated, “This is another opportunity to mingle with younger veterans in our community and I think we should use this event as a recruiting opportunity.  If you can attend please drop me a note.  Thanks for your support.  Bill”

You can email Bill Munsee by clicking here.

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