Post Restoration Continues

We have restarted work on the post and have some new projects on tap for the winter and spring months.  Our goal is to restore the appearance and function of the post.  Boy Scout Troop 505 has been working on our flag plaza area, waterline, and is now working on restoring and protecting our blue bird sanctuary and tree memorials.

Recent completed projects include:

  • Water conservation, all fixtures
  • Cleanup of post storage area
  • Repair of Yard Hydrant (water conservation)
  • Replacement of broken air conditioning fencing
  • Painting of exterior doors
  • Painting of main rest rooms

Painting is underway in restrooms with two complete and the two small ones pending.

Long term projects include (listed in possible order of completion):

  • All new fixtures in rest rooms
  • Replace two air conditioning units
  • Repaint post entrance foyer
  • Reconfigure and furnish Auxiliary Meeting Room, install desks and lounge furniture and  television
  • Reconfigure and paint post office room
  • Re-tile kitchen and service area, repaint kitchen
  • Re-tile main entrance foyer
  • Re-tile Ladies restroom
  • Re-tile Small event room and handicapped entrance foyer
  • Re-tile Large event room
  • Repaint building siding

This is our post home and we are very pleased with the changes so far.  You can help with these projects.  If you can’t help with the lifting, come on by and cheer the workers on.  Of course, we still need to continue our fundraising.  Keep those donations coming!  We are going to put them to good use.