Post 6 History and Changes Coming

On August 28, 1919, our post was chartered as Chapel Hill Post No.6, American Legion.  We have been in Chapel Hill for almost 100 years and at our current site for over 60 years. Our first meeting and drafting of Post Bylaws was on October 28, 1919.

A snapshot of the original  edited first meeting minutes of Post 6.
A snapshot of the original edited first meeting minutes of Post 6.

We are going to celebrate our Centennial with great pride and planning is starting now for a full year of events beginning in August 2018.

Will we be in our new home by then?  We are working on it.  It is an interesting process that has been on-going for more than three years!

You are encouraged to follow the post sale process by clicking on the special link, above.  Click on Selling Post 6.  There is a summary of the project and many links to news stories reporting on the sale.

How are we doing now?  It is a struggle, but we are confident that purchaser will find a workable solution.  Commander Munsee has written a letter to the Town Manager and that letter will find its way to the Town Council and Mayor.  WCHL’s reported yesterday on that letter.  Learn more