Our First Ever 9/11 Remembrance and Car Show
If you snuck off to the beach or mountains, you missed an outstanding day with a vibrant Post 6 on display. This reporter arrived to witness a full parking lot, lots of people, lots of excitement, food, friends, and so much more. It was a “If you build it, they will come” moment!
Special recognition goes to 2nd Vice Commander Nate Mitchell. He was on fire and he was everywhere as he shared his pride in the efforts of his team. Awesome.
We suspect that we have requests for a return event and another 9/11 Car Show. What do you think? In fact, you can let Nate know that you want to lend a hand planning, preparing, and executing a post community event. He will connect you with the right committee and get you going. It takes a lot of effort to be successful. It also needs the support of everyone in our American Legion Family.
Click here to view Photos of the Car Show.