Member Training

How do you become a strong member of our American Legion Team? The best way is to be mentored by one of our long-time members.  Many of our members know a lot about American Legion programs, but there is so much more to learn.

Our new members are eager to help our post, but need organizational training in the American Legion.  This includes uniforms, caps, flag etiquette, ceremonials, Legion programs, post operations, Legion contests and more.  We operate our post based on a post charter that was granted to us under a National American Legion Charter issued by Congress.  How we operate is also controlled by national, state, and post bylaws.

We also need to continue to use the expertise of our membership.  Many own, manage, or direct small to large businesses.  Others are leaders in the corporate, legal,  and financial worlds.   There is no position in our post that could not use a little more help and member expertise to make our post even better.

A new section was added to our website that provides information on formal and informal American Legion training.  There is the American Legion College, Division-level Leadership Development Training, the American Legion Extension Institute, and local on-the-job training.

Take  a look at what we have available to you.  Contact our Post Adjutant for details about Legion College and Leadership Development training.  American Legion Extension Institute training is easy to complete and can be done on-line and graduates receive a certificate of completion.  Want to learn more?  Visit Member Training