Leadership at the Post

Are you interested in keeping up with important news from the American Legion Department of North Carolina? Are you interested in serving in a leadership position? Are you thinking about serving in a Post or Department committee?

Membership grows from post to national

Your first step is to learn about American Legion programs and projects. How? Enroll at myLegion.org and sign up for the on-line American Legion Basic Training Course–boot camp for new members. You can complete the self-paced course and gain access to manuals, handouts, speeches, member and post special discounts, and more. Graduates are better prepared for the NC Legion College or for application to the American Legion National College. Locate your membership card or member number before you link to assist you with initial registration.

At the Department (state) level, sign up for the Department mailing list. They publish important, fast breaking news to your email box. Click here to see the recent headlines and to join the list.

For local post information, visit our post website at chapelhillpost6.com You will find everything you need to better understand post organization, current news, link up with additional resources, and access our post bylaws.

All American Legion meetings are open to all members. You are also welcome to join in as an observer to the Post Executive Committee (PEC). This meeting is attended by all post officers. This is our “Board of Directors” at work. Committee meetings are open to you, too, and their are often opportunities for you to join one or more Post committees.

Another opportunity for members is to volunteer to serve with the Sergeants-at-Arms. These are our post ambassadors and they are involved in post operations on a day-to-day basis.

So, as you can see, there is much to learn about the American Legion. It starts with learning about our Four Pillars of the American Legion. And, if you have read this far, you are ready. Just click on the link to start your journey on Leadership in The American Legion.