Honor Guard Returns

We are proud to announce that the Post’s Honor Guard has been reconstituted and has already performed in Chapel Hill.  They dedicated the new flag and flagpole for the new Azalea Estates senior citizens residential complex on Estes Drive.

The Honor Guard also hosted a lunch at the Post to raise money for the outfitting of the Honor Guard.  Jim Parise, Sergeant-at-Arms, has shared his appreciation for the strong post member support at the lunch.  The Honor Guard also obtained a sharp looking pen that was offered as a prize to raise $100.  The amount was raised during the lunch and Pete Peterson is now the proud owner of the pen.

Jim Parise shared his thoughts in an open letter to the Post membership.  You can read it by clicking on this link:  Honor Guard Thank You

Want to make a donation?  Send your check to the Post, marked “Honor Guard Fund,” to:

  • Chapel Hill Post No. 6, American Legion, Inc.
  • 3700 NC 54W, Chapel Hill, NC  27516