Excitement is in the Air

A seven-year journey is about to end. We have spent years contemplating (making a hard decision), but we finally agreed on how to begin our second one hundred years in Chapel Hill. We are now almost ready to relocate.

Take a peek at what we are up to by watching the video below. We will update it as we complete more phases of construction. But, don’t wait. Join now. Click Here to Join

Our post has been the home for thousands of veterans. Our first members cut trees and built our first home on Rosemary Street near Columbia. Then in the 1950’s they, too, make a bold move. They built a new home for their second fifty years on over 30 acres of farm land and rolling hills on the outskirts of Chapel Hill. But, “….that’s another story.”

We are looking for new members to join our ranks and to help us grow our post. If you have honorably served at least one day in a uniform of our armed services since December 7th, 1941, you are eligible. We want you! Our new Post Home is being built as you read this and we expect to occupy the new building by December. It is being built for all veterans.

Take a peek at what we are up to by watching the video below. We will update it as we complete more phases of construction. But, don’t wait. Join now. Click Here to Join