Day Trippers – Legion Riders

Do you remember those Sunday afternoon drives with family?  During the Post War era (World War II and Korea), GI’s were getting married, buying cars, and maybe a GI Loan for a new stick-built home.  Back yard picnics soon expanded to casual rides through the country.  Awesome.

Our Legion Riders like to ride the back roads of Chatham, Alamance, Orange, Person, and Durham counties.  And, on some days they ride and  ride…

Last Sunday, March 21st, the Post 6 Legion Riders had their first unofficial run (unofficial because we do not have our patches sewn on yet) down to “Pic n Pigs” in the Southern Pines area.  The entire trip was around 160 miles. The morning ride started out at a balmy 47° and we averaged about 50 miles an hour, so there was probably a wind-chill factor of about 15°, so the ride there was pretty cold.  Commander Bill Munsee reported, “Once we arrived at our destination, Bob Farr, Nathan Mitchell, John Saitta, Jesse Torres, and I had a great lunch. The best part of the lunch was the exceptional camaraderie and conversation.   Even better than that, Bob unexpectedly picked up the entire tab.  Nathan Mitchell led the procession down to Carthage and then he let me lead the Riders home.  The ride home was much nicer and in the 60s. The bottom line is we all had a great time and are looking forward to our next adventure.”

Are you a  veteran with a “hog” and are thirsting for the camaraderie that can only be quenched by the open road with your buds?  If so, the American Legion and Post 6 specifically, is looking for you.  Learn more about our post and the Legion Riders.  Click here.