American Legion Celebrates Its 94th Birthday

Happy Birthday to all Legionnaires!  It was 94 years ago today that World War I fighting men joined together in their first American Legion caucus, held by members of the American Expeditionary Force, convened in Paris,  to form the American Legion.  Here in Chapel Hill, local veterans quickly followed

Legionnaire Gene Drogos touches up 1898 Navy assault cannon at post.
Legionnaire Gene Drogos touches up 1898 Navy assault cannon at post.

to form North Carolina’s first post–American Legion Post 1.

That’s right, our post number was originally Post 1.  It was changed in later years to place Post 1 in our capital city, Raleigh.  We, however, were the first!

Learn more about the American Legion and why we celebrate March 15th, Our Birthday!  See story