What is a DD Form 214?

A DD Form 214 is the uniformed services’ Report of Separation and Record of Service.  Every person serving in the military, regardless of branch of service, is issued a DD Form 214.  Do you know where your copy is located?

The DD Form 214 is the first thing asked for by the VA when a veteran requests care or VA benefits.  It is also needed to obtain a military honor guard, interment in a national or state veterans cemetery or for a flag from the post office for a military funeral.

The same form is needed to support membership in a veterans group or to hold office.  For the American Legion, the DD Form 214 is not required for membership, but in absence of a DD Form 214, there are other means to prove eligibility.  For example: photos of the candidate serving in-theater, letters from an overseas site or station, military awards certificates, general orders, military assignment orders, and other documents can support eligibility.

Do you know where your DD Form 214 is located?  Do you know how to request a replacement?  Click here to learn more.