Veterans Are Arriving at Carolina

The war is drawing down and our veterans are showing up in greater numbers at local colleges. The number of new veterans returning to Carolina and the Chapel Hill campus now numbers over 350! That is just the first wave and Carolina has a great facility and several outstanding and respected medical and dental programs.

Here is what we have learned today, Veterans Day, 2011 …

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, announced a new Dean of Students’ website of resources for veterans who are returning to or beginning college.

The website is designed to help students transition from active military duty to campus life, and to make the most of their Carolina experience. It lists details about veterans’ benefits, student organizations related to the military, campus personnel who can help with everything from academic advising to disability services and more. Visit the site at

We applaud the University’s recognition of our returning veterans and their special needs. As you know, Chapel Hill has a long history of welcoming returning veterans. Many have stayed on in North Carolina and have made significant contributions. We have over 200 members and many were an earlier generation of returning veterans who chose UNC Chapel Hill! There are now over 795,000 veterans residing in North Carolina.