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We know we are growing when we can look around and see that our post members are stepping up and volunteering for post projects, programs, and to serve as a post officer.
I get excited when I see attendance at District Meetings and State events by our Post members. When we see six or seven people from Post 6 at event… Well, it’s a big Wow.
Recently I have been hearing members inquire about district and state positions. Our 2nd Vice Commander, Lewis Atwater, is also our District 12 Vice Commander. He has already visited just about every Post in the District. He was also appointed for a three-year position on the Department of North Carolina Public Relations and Publications Committee.

Jim Parise asked about the Department’s Honor Guard at the State Convention this year and said, “Sign me up!” We are proud to say that he was selected and joined the Honor Guard at the Fall Conference.
Now that is not a complete list of our “above and beyond” active members. We have members who are active in other veterans groups, civic groups, church groups, and so much more. Veterans are “doers.” Invite your fellow veterans to dinner or to a post event. Give them the opportunity to serve other veterans as an American Legionnaire.
- Lee Heavlin, Adjutant