Searching for Vietnam KIA/MIA Photos

This is our first public service announcement. It is provided to Jim Reece, a Wilmington Retired Veteran with over 40 years of service. Jim needs our help in locating photos of North Carolina Marines KIA/MIA in Vietnam.

Jim writes, “Myself, and my Brother Tom, have taken on the task of recognizing each and every KIA/MIA U.S. Marine from North Carolina from the Vietnam War. We are doing this so that we can make sure that their faces will appear on the new “Faces On The Wall” project, that starts construction this year in Washington DC.”  Learn more

“We have located about 343 North Carolina US Marines and have created Personal Memorial Pages for each one by county. We have county links if you would like to see it. We are down to about 31 Marines that we cannot locate. We are running out of research resources and it was just suggested to me that I contact the NC American Legion’s for help.”

Can you help?   How about it fellow marines or family of marines.  Can you  check your Parris Island Boot Camp Platoon books and see if any of the names on the attached list of 33 appears in their book. If found we need to get a copy of that photo and get it off to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF). We want to be the first state to have all their Marines accounted for. My email address is [email protected] and my cell number is 808-276-5118. An example of the Memorial Page that we have built for each U.S. Marine is attached in a link, ie : Master Gunny John Vernon Berg: He is only an example….

“All we need to do is for each of your members to check their Platoon Book for the names on the attached list and then email it to me at [email protected] if found, or by mail to  Jim Reece, 7014 Hallstead Court, Wilmington, NC28411.  We are also working on the other Services, but are working the Marines first, as they are normally the first in.” said Jim Reece.

Here is the list:  List of NC Marines KIA/MIA Vietnam