Legion Improves Communications

The American Legion is really on the move with communications.  The May 2012 edition of The American Legion devoted the center fold two-page spread to announcing recent and on-going changes to the way they share news and information.

This is a major step and it is very important to us as Legionnaires.  We need to know what is going on not only in our posts and districts, but nationally.  We work together to promote Americanism, so we need to be up-to-date and well-informed.  How else can we reach out to our returning veterans?

Your issue is on its way to your mailbox.  Take a good look at the center fold and maybe even read it cover to cover.  My spouse does and she often points out an important story that I skipped over carelessly.  I need to give you not only the best information, but accurate, current news.

Here are some of the highlighted changes:

  • The American Legion Online Universe –  School bells ring right in your own home!  Don’t have a computer, head to your local library and sit a spell.  You can access the the universe of American Legion information.  A great way to complement your Legion College and Extension Course work.  Keep up with fast moving change!
  • myLegion.org – This is your personal portal to American Legion archives for copies of older resolutions and documents, membership information, and more.
  • Facebook at www.legion.org/facebook – There are over 25,000 friends following Legion activities.  A lot of them are serving overseas.  Facebook is a tool that broadcasts Legion stories to 25,000 people instantly.  Each recipient can add a note or share the story with others.
  • American Legion Extension Institute (On-line) –  Do as little or as much as you want.  Learn as you can.  Learn about what makes your post tick.  Learn how to do it right.  You can be an important part of your post by learning more about what the Legion is all about.  This is a must for all new members!  Why not click on the link and start now?
  • American Legion eNewsletters – It is news that you can use and share.  Share?  Yes, every Legionnaire should be so informed that they are bubbling with veterans information just busting to get out.  Have something to talk about with others you meet.  Know about VA benefits, Tricare, Legion programs and more.  Share, Share, Share!  You’ll make friends and many will want to join our post!  It happens.
  • American Legion Flag & Emblem On-Line  Need a patch, emblem, flag, jacket, pin, novelty, shirt, marker, case, or other Legion item?  You can order it on-line and have it at your door in just a few days.  Post caps are ordered via the Post Adjutant.

Your very own Department of North Carolina also provides a lot of useful information on-line.  Each month’s mailing to all posts and officers is posted on-line for you to take a look at.  Heard about a project, program, event, or nomination requirement?  Go here first.  Visit ncLegion.org and take a look.