Let’s Talk About Caps

Paul Horwhat chats with Ed Saleeby from Pennsylvania

Dinner table chatter is always interesting and we hear comments, critiques, current news on family and friends, and a lot of other great stuff.  But, recently some have asked, “Why do some members have caps and others don’t?”  Good question.

The follow-on question relates to “Who can wear, where can it be worn, and what can we put on it?”  Oh, yes, let’s not forget the “Where can I get one?”

Every member of the post is eligible to wear, and should wear, a post-level cap.  Post caps are often referred to as blue caps and users as “bluecappers.”  Bluecappers are the core and heart of the American Legion.  You can order a blue cap through the Adjutant.  You order through the post in our state as we are one of the states that has a special emblem, the North Carolina Dogwood Flower.  Each cap bears the name of the state to which the holder belongs or transferred to the post from. Other caps for wear at the district (white cap) and state officer (red cap) level must be ordered via the Department.  Did you pick up on the red, white, and blue symbolism?

Etiquette is fairly easy.  You can locate information about cap etiquette and how to wear it by visiting the American Legion Flag and Emblem Supply website.  Here is the answer on a much misunderstood rule:

  • In Legion meetings, the cap should be worn except during moments of the Pledge of Allegiance, prayer, and when standing in silent reverence in memory of departed comrades, when the cap should be held with the right hand over the heart.