Commander’s Note – Nov 2019

Everything at the new Post is moving so fast I feel like I need to have two regular monthly meetings to keep everyone informed.  Every time I visit the jobsite, someone from our current Post is viewing the beauty of our new Post and anticipating what it will be like to have our first meeting in the facility.  That date is up-in-the-air right now, but mid-January to mid-February looks solid.  Our own Al Meyers is feverishly working to complete the building as soon as physically possible (without cutting corners) and the Building Committee is working hard to oversee building costs and minimize cost overruns.    If you haven’t done so, take the time to drop by the new facility, it is fun to show-off the new Post to family and friends.

Just a couple of quick notes:  Our next monthly meeting will be November 12, 2019.  Regina Merritt (our 2nd Vice Commander) has arranged to have one of the local “shag” dance groups demonstrate and teach some of us how to do the “shag” …a very popular beach dance.  The demonstration will be from 5:30 to 6:30. Please arrive early and join in the fun.  This year, and in years to follow, we are trying to make coming to our meetings something you look forward to doing because of the fun and camaraderie we have together.  I look forward to seeing all of you there.

As I mentioned at our last monthly meeting, our dinner prices need to be adjusted since our meal prices have remained fixed for over ten years… I know all of us realize food prices have risen significantly.  Our meal prices will be adjusted to $10 per person starting in December…which by the way will be our Surf or Turf annual dinner.  The new meal prices should be more than compensated by the quality of the setting where we will be dining.  For example, real plates, nice silverware, linen tablecloths and an atmosphere similar to a country club.  At the November monthly meeting, you will be asked to choose which meal you prefer, salmon or steak. Please take only what you order, because we try to minimize our overage at this event.  If we do have extra, we will sell extra plates “at cost.”

I would also like to acknowledge one of our members, specifically P.H. Craig, who has a collection of vintage cars unrivaled in Chapel Hill.  He will soon be donating some of those cars to the prestigious NC Transportation Museum.  His cars are on display at an Open CAR SHOW at 7503 Sunrise Dr (behind Carol Woods Retirement center) this Saturday and Sunday, Nov 9th and 10th from 2 to 4 p.m.

…well done P.H.

My last paragraph is to acknowledge the wonderful people who have supported our Sponsorship Program.  To date we have raised $37,000 and every penny will go to support the purchase of furniture, game equipment, and the gazebo (a cornerstone to our rental program) to help support the Veterans of today and the Veterans of tomorrow.  As I’ve said before, I am not a fund raiser…quite the opposite.  However, as a key member of the Building Committee, I can tell you every penny helps provide a piece of equipment, furniture or other item critical to making this the best American Legion Post in the nation.  Here is a recap of the framework for the Sponsorship Program. 


  1. Levels of Sponsorship for Donor Board
    1. Platinum – $10,000 plus
    1. Gold – $5,000 – $9,999
    1. Silver – $2,500 – $4,999
    1. Bronze – $1,000 – $2,499
    1. Friends of the Legion – Less than $1,000
  2. Value of Room Sponsorships (remaining)
    1. Conference Room – $10,000
    1. Gym – $10,000
    1. Banquet Room – $20,000
    1. Executive office – $5,000 (1 left)
    1. Auxiliary Office – $3,000
  3. Further Recommendations
    1. Plaque to remain in room for 20 years (revised to 10 years at Oct EXCOM meeting
    1. Donor board to be in perpetuity 
    1. One person or family can sponsor more than one room if they would like
    1. Pledges can be made – Keeping in mind we need the money now
    1. Committee of 2-4 persons to manage the donations and keep track of Donors. This way with a pledge or future donations a person/family/corporation can move up the Donor list. Example: initial donation $5,000 and in future years another $5,000. They would move from the Gold list to the Platinum list.
    1. Letters to all members Quarterly/semiannual/annual asking for donations
    1. Have annual Donor Recognition Party
    1. The number of sponsors per room – TBD – this may vary by room
    1. Partial sponsorship of a room is not accepted until the entire room is sponsored. This may mean more than one sponsor to a room.

If you feel you can help in any way, please contact John Cocowitch or see me at a meeting.  Please be assured, any contribution you make will go directly toward something that will make this Post better…we don’t have any administrative fees and your name will remain on the Sponsorship Board for as long as Post 6 exists.

One final side note:  Our Post has been supporting the Ranger-Up grappling program at Chapel Hill High School and Dave Chandler is looking for a few more volunteers to assist him in this endeavor. The event will be held on the 9th of November, so if you have a few hours to donate please contact him at 919 525-6343.

Okay, that’s it.  Again, I am constantly amazed by the energy of our volunteer program and I want to thank all of you for giving so much time to this project of making our Post the best one in the nation.

My deepest gratitude and respect to all of you,

Warm regards,  


Bill Munsee, Commander, Chapel Hill Post No. 6