The building is coming along superbly, and I am going to go out on a limb and say that we will most likely have our March meeting at the new Post. That will not be our Grand Opening, but I want to get out of the “bunker” as soon as possible…I feel like it is a bridge collapsing behind me.
I am writing this note for a couple of reasons. First, I want to advise all of you, I will not be running for Post Commander for the Year 2020-2021, but there is still so much work that needs to get done before I turn the keys (actually it will be a key fob) over to the new Post Commander. I will also support the next Post Commander to the best of my ability.
One of my last acts as Post Commander will be to ask the Executive Committee to modify the timeframe we normally allow for the election of officers process (Article 2-Section 2) of our By-Laws. Because of the Grand Opening in April and all of the work associated with that opening, I will be asking the Executive Committee to make a one-time modification to our By-Laws to allow the Nominating Committee to make their nominations known at the March monthly meeting vice the April meeting and accept nominations from the floor at that time.
Therefore, for this year only, nominations will be accepted from the floor at the April March meeting and a list of the nominees will be sent to all members prior to the election in May. Elections will be by secret, written ballot or if there is no opposition to the slate, the said nominee may be elected, by voice or show of hands, and those persons receiving the highest number of votes from those members present shall be elected to their respective office or offices for which they are candidates. Elected officers are as follows: Commander, 1st Vice Commander, 2nd Vice Commander, 3rd Vice Commander, Adjutant, Finance Officer, Judge Advocate, Service Officer, Historian, Chaplain(s), and Sergeants-at-Arms. All others are to be appointed by the incoming Commander.
I have attached an excerpt of our current Bylaws so everyone can see view the duties of the Post Officers. These By-Laws are under review, however, what is currently written in our By-Laws close enough to describe future requirements. A complete set of the Post By-Laws can be seen and downloaded at
Now back to the Grand Opening. Regina Merritt is the event coordinator for this event. At the next monthly meeting, she will be requesting volunteers to step-forward and assist her in making this event a resounding success. This will be an all-hands-on-deck event from start to finish. Please, when requested to serve, volunteer as your capability permits…there will be something for everyone.
One final thought. Our new Post is a home that should make everyone proud and I hope everyone takes personal ownership of this valuable property. But like anything else, it takes money to keep the organization going. We have designed this building to assist us in meeting our monetary goals, but I still need you (as a member of our family) to assist where you can.
Please give some serious thought to donating money to our Sponsorship Program. We still have the Conference Room ($10,000); the gym ($10,000); the museum Room ($5,000); the Banquet Room($20,000) and an Executive Office ($5,000) left for sponsorship and naming rights…consider “teaming-up” with someone to co-sponsor a room. In addition, we will need an outside storage shed and most likely a small tractor with attachments to maintain the grounds. If you would like to discuss this program with me personally, please call me at 919 201-0167.
Progress: The new post American Legion doors are now locked. So, if you want to see it, you’ll need to come during the week.
I guess it’s time to close this letter and start working on my farewell note to all of you…what a great bunch of men and women you are! If you just reflect on everything we have all accomplished you can’t help but just go…WOW!!!
My best wishes for health and happiness to all of you!
William Munsee, Commander