Commander’s Message – July 2019

Note from the Commander – July 2019

On a cold and wintry day in February, your Post Executive Committee (PEC) for 2018-2019 broke ground for the new Post being built at 3700 NC 54 West.  Unfortunately, not every member of the PEC was able to attend, but it seemed an impossible task to sync the schedules of 16 people.  So, we will be adding another picture, similar to the one you see, with the others present…no doubt they will not be in winter gear.

The project is now in high-gear.  After months of rain, our fellow post member, Al Meyers, (he is the Project Manager for our site and a current member), cleared the way for construction to begin.  Late last month, Al poured the first cubic yard of concrete for our foundation…of course there were about 250+ more cubic yards to follow.   As you can see, it did not take long for Al to begin going “vertical” on the walls and soon the electricians, plumbers, and IT/security guys will be weaving an elaborate string of wires and pipes inside and outside of the building.  The work conducted is being overseen by our Post Project Manager (Bruce Runberg) and the Building Committee consisting of your Post Commander, Jim Parise, and Bob Medred.

But the fun does not stop there.  Currently, eleven other active committees are underway, and they are designed to ensure that we have an orderly transition to the new facility.  One of the committees is the moving committee.  These men and women came in on a Saturday morning (8 am) to retrieve the treasures our forefathers stashed in the attic of our current building.  These items are now sitting in the middle of our small meeting room.  As it turns out, like any other attic, most were not “treasures,” but items that could have been thrown away.  At the time someone thought they might be useful in the future.  When you come to the next meeting, you can make the call.  I’m of the opinion most of the items are headed for the great American Legion in the sky.

There is so much going on at your Post I don’t know where to start sometimes.  At our last meeting all of the new Officers were sworn in at a ceremony presided over by District Commander Nick Cervantes

and his District Vice Commander, Lewis Atwater.  I would like to personally congratulate all of the new officers.  They are all volunteers and they are the ones making our Post the best in the state…possibly the nation. 

We are making great progress in almost every area, but there is always room for improvement. so this new board of officers will be looking toward changing some of the ways we have normally conducted business.  You can be looking for new, updated Post Bylaws within the next quarter.  Some of the items we have in our bylaws need revision to bring us into the 21st Century and in-line with Department and National bylaws.  After a briefing, all Post members will be able to discuss the new revisions and vote on their acceptance.

Before I close, I want to bring to your attention a new Donor Sponsorship Program.  I am attaching information that was approved by the post membership in June.  One of the best ways we can ensure our Post lives on for another 100 years is to actively support our Post.  Legacy giving is a very common way each of us can support the Post while we are alive and even in our death.  We created a small committee to administer this program and ensure the veterans who follow us 20 years from now will have a Post worthy of their sacrifice.   If you are interested in this program, the initial coordinator will be John Cocowitch, your Veteran’s Service Officer.  

Again, I am always amazed at the talented people we have in our Post and the Auxiliary.  I’m proud we’ve all come under one roof to share our stories, make new friends, and become part of the American Legion Family.  We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.


Bill Munsee


Chapel Hill Post No. 6, American Legion