Post Officers

Here are our post leaders for our Post 6 membership year 2024-2025. 

You can send an email to any officer listed below by clicking on their underscored name.

Post Commander

–  Robert Medred

Telephone him at 919-537-8703




Finance Officer –         Chuck Pope

Adjutant–                     Matt Attaway
Chaplain –                    Jim Mackorell  919-942-4830
Historian –                   Lee Heavlin   919-260-6571

Vet Service Officer –    Bill Munsee
Parliamentarian –        Charles Weinberg 
Sergeants at Arms –   Robert “Sarge” Sweeney,  Lance Kress,  “Wally” Washburn, Michael Hatcher, Lonny Kylander , and Ed Gephardt,

Immediate Past Post CommanderJames Parise

Address all mail to our Post Office Box:

Chapel Hill Post No. 6, American Legion, Inc.
3700 NC Highway 54 West
Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Phone us at 919-537-8703 – Leave a message for post rental requests or general information.  We will return your call.

Email us at [email protected]

Website addresses:  

For Public Relations, contact our Post Historian at 919-442-8130.

American Legion Post 6 is physically located at 3700 NC Highway 54 WestChapel Hill, North Carolina



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